Let’s start here…with 10 questions. Age * Gender * Female Male When getting around outside my house I... * am independent use a cane use a walker use a wheelchair When getting out of a chair I... * can get out of a traditional chair without using my hands can get out of a higher chair or stool without using my hands always have to use my hands or assistance regardless of chair height When getting off the floor I... * can get up independently without support (chair, furniture, etc) can get up independently with support cannot get off the floor and am dependent on someone to help Over the last year, I have fallen or have a fear falling. * Yes No My current exercise habits involve... * No exercise Aerobic training only Resistance training only Combination of aerobic and resistance training On average, how often do you exercise? * I don't exercise <1x/week 1x/week 2-3x's/week 4-5x's/week >5x's/week On average, how challenging is your exercise? * I don't exercise Very light Light Moderate Hard Very Hard On average, how long do you exercise? * I don't exercise <15 minutes ~20 minutes ~30 minutes ~45 minutes >60 minutes Email * Thank you for taking the Somavive Human Performance Questionnaire! Please check your email for your test results and next steps.